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Wednesday 6 June 2012

Facebook Plus v.1.4 - Facebook Client - Nokia S^3 Anna Belle

An advanced Facebook client can integrate information on laposici¨®n with Nokia Maps, and provides a calendar of events. Facebook Plus for Nokiacovers most of the states deFacebook, including posting, display the list of friends, the location of our friends, news feeds, walls, photo album, also"like" and comments on the posts.

In the main screen has four hubs: . Me: with news feeds usuariosde Facebook, the wall and photos. *. Friends: The list of friends and there, with the location of the profile, wall and photos. *. Around Me: In this center the user can get the nearby attractions and information about landmarks, along with the user's current location.

Events: A calendar where users can add their events and notes and the application will be notified if there is an event for that day. Funny how Facebook Plus for Nokia started as a project dedemostracin use Qt Quick Components and design guidelines of Symbian, and has become an excellent customer of Facebook.


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