Chronos - Home Screen Timer Widget
MultiTimer is a Home Screen timer widget which lets you easily set a timer for everyday use.
Supported platform(s): Symbian^3 Anna & Belle
Version: 1.0.0
Getting Started
1. Add Chronos to home screen
2. Set the time for Chronos
3. Press the 'Play' button to begin
Description - Shows an editable description
Time - Sets the time while timer is not running
Status - Play or pause the time and also to stop the alarm when it is sounded
Volume - Control the volume by moving theslider or pressing the volume keys
Back Button - Hides the Main Page
Stop Button - Stops and resets the timer
Auto Offline - Automatically gointo Offline mode to conserve bettery when Chronos is in thebackground, not counting down and screen is locked
Offline - Turns the widget into offline modewhen not in use
*. Time is set, Chronos is ready to start. Press play to start.
*. Chronos is running. Press the pause button to pause Chronos.
*. Chronos is paused, to resumepress the play button.
*. When the time is up, an alarm will sound and the user is required to tap on thewidget to stop the sound.
*. After that the widget goes back to the initial ready state.
*. Offline is shown when the application is closed by selecting offline
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