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Friday, 4 May 2012

Samsung Galaxy S III First Video - Review and Full Specification

It's being big waiting for Samsung Galaxy SIII, So now finally its out in London.
You can check Samsung I9300 Galaxy S III Full Specification - Over Here

Video by Phonedog:

GALAXY, S-III greatly enhance the interactive experience. It is intelligent to identify the user's face, voice and action, and thereby provide more convenient, natural user experience for each user. GALAXY, S-III using the innovative "Smart stay" function, it can judge how to use the mobile phone example, read e-books or browsing the web, through the front camera eye recognition technology to automatically keep the screen brightness, allowing users to be able to enjoy continuous viewing pleasure from the pain of the black.
It's Feature allows users to easily transfer files in Wi-Fi capability or telephone signal conditions. Two GALAXY, S III mobile phone with just a touch, can transfer 1GB movie files or music files transmitted within 2 seconds 10MB each other within three minutes.

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