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Monday, 26 December 2011

WidgetCanvas - Add Widgets on Nokia N9 - N950 - MeeGo Harmattan - Free App Download

The Harmattan platform does not support the "old fashioned" desktop widgets the way the N900 does. As the UX itself cannot be modified for this, the author decided to create an application which offers a sort of platform to run widgets - WidgetCanvas. Widgets can be added and dragged, theirs position is saved and restored at next application startup. There is a canvas of 480x3200, flickable, and so not like on N900. Background is 480*1200, and there is a parallax effect to fill the canvas. The best thing is about the widgets: they are just QML files!

NOTE: this is the initial release, a work in progress. It's not a final product yet.

Click below to download 


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