Added platform support for Symbian "Belle FP1" devices
PhoNetInfo v3.7.0 retrieves detailed phone and network information such as firmware version; IMSI; IMEI; SIM card and battery status; WLAN IP, MAC, MTU and speed; bluetooth MAC and device class; network mode, name, signal strength, (cell) ID and country code; CPU speed, type and architecture; RAM and ROM; running tasks; MMC & SD Card; supported camera formats, etc. All information can be saved to a file.
Change log:
- Updated hard-coded CPU clock speed of following phone models from 1.0 GHz to 1.3 GHz
- Nokia 700 (RM-670) (0x2002C12C)
- Nokia 701 (RM-774) (0x2002BF94)
- Nokia 700 (RM-670) (0x2002C12C)
- Nokia 701 (RM-774) (0x2002BF94)