Nokia N9 get more beautifull when it changes to custome desktop background .
So here is trick to change the black backround. Just follow the steps :-
1. Create your background image size of 480x854 in PNG format
2. Rename it to meegotouch-desktop-bg.png
3. Copy the resulting file to your smartphone in the Downloads folder
4. In the same folder Downloads unzip libmeegotouchviews-modified- default.css from the archive
5. Open a terminal and type:
d e v e l - s u r o o t me ( t h e d e f a u l t p a s swo r d ) c p - f / h ome / u s e r / MyD o c s / D own l o a d s / me e g o t o u c h - d e s k t o p - b g . p n g / u s r / s h a r e /
6. Reboot PS. For the subsequent change of the background, you need only change meegotouch-desktop-bg.png But to return to the standard change libmeegotouchviews-modified- default.css to the original