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Saturday, 17 December 2011

WhozCalling - Nokia N9 / N950 - MeeGo Harmattan - Free App Download

WhozCalling is a cross-platform mobile app, which allows you to effectively monitor your incoming calls, and know any caller's ID even if he wasn't saved in your contact list. Therefore, say Goodbye to all the unidentified numbers bothering you, and know the name of the person calling you from a number you don't know. WhozCalling is an easy-use free application that works on Blackberry, Nokia and Android devices, as long as you are on 3G connection or Wifi. It is a worldwide application; it works on all numbers, local and international. You should wait at least for two to three rings, until the name appears on your screen, before hanging up. In case you waited and the name did not appear, try later since the service provider's database is constantly updating. WhozCalling does not reveal private or unknown numbers subscribed with "Clir" services (caller line identification restriction).

Click below to download


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