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Saturday, 17 December 2011

Nokia Store QML v3.20(050) beta for Symbian^3 Anna Belle Signed

The Brand new Store client for Symbian^3 handsets comes with big changes – You can feel the big UI revamp following the upcoming Symbian Belle interface, New Nokia (blue) logo and more.

Bits from Betalabs Blog:

“We are offering members of the Nokia Beta Labs community a preview of the new Store client. Please help us in testing itbefore it is deployed in a software update.”

This beta Store client will replace the current Store client on your Symbian^3 or Symbian Anna device, and it supports nearly all of the features as the official Store client (Web Runtime). The key new features this client brings include:

Easier navigation

-Improved product details view, for a rich and fluid discovery experience

-Quicker, smoother and more responsive than WRT client .


The key new features this client brings include:

- Easier navigation

- Improved product details view, for a rich and fluid discovery experience

- Quicker, smoother and more responsive than WRT client


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